361 research outputs found

    Phishing – the threat of internet banking

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    The attractiveness of Internet banking, the dynamics and the integration with e-business is still growing. The current use of electronic banking is defined by cyberspace and abused in the form of cyber terrorism as well. Therefore it is in the interest of all banks to focus on minimizing the real attacks. This article analyzes and compares the current possibilities against so-called phishing and identifies the area of the safe use of Internet banking in terms of the current potential threats in this area

    Technology payment cards communication with banking institutions in the field of cashless payment

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    The aim is now used to describe the infrastructure of payment cards, ATMs, now used to describe the infrastructure of payment systems, mainly the payment cards and NFC technology and secure payment throw the internet. In this article, we examine a new technology application which is coming into its own around the world, in association with the revolution in wireless connectivity. Our findings are intended to guide in dealing with the economic aspects of mobile payments, and to help identify some important directions for the research

    Speed Increasing of the Střelice - Moravský Krumlov Section

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl prověřit možnosti zvýšení rychlosti pro traťový úsek Střelice – Moravský Krumlov. Zvýšení rychlosti je posuzováno se současnými geometrickými parametry koleje. Ojediněle je proveden posudek s navrhovanými změnami geometrických parametrů koleje. Navrhované změny nesmí způsobit výrazné zásahy do tělesa tratě. V obou případech je brán ohled na omezení rychlosti v místech železničních přejezdů, kolejových rozvětvení, poloh návěstidel apod. Návrh je zpracován za pomoci nákresného přehledu železničního svrškuThe aim of this thesis is to examine the possibilities of increase of speed on a railway track section between Střelice and Moravský Krumlov. The increase of speed is examined according to contemporary geometric parameters of the railway track. Sporadically an assessment with proposed changes of geometric parameters of the railway track is conducted. The proposed changes cannot cause any profound transformations of the body of the railway track. In both cases a restriction of speed by level crossing, a track branching and position of semaphores are taken into consideration. A proposal is elaborated with help of an overview of railway top.

    Texture evolution in biocompatible Mg-Y-Re alloy after friction stir processing

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    The presented study deals with the investigation of biocompatible WE 43 Mg-based alloy processed via the combination of rotary swaging (RS) and friction stir processing (FSP) at three different rotational speeds of 400 RPM, 800 RPM, and 1200 RPM. The structure observations primarily focused on texture development and characterizations of grain sizes and grain boundaries. The results showed that swaging plus processing at 400 RPM and 1200 RPM lead to substantial recrystallization and grain refinement. The fractions of low angle grain boundaries within the 400 RPM and 1200 RPM samples were approximately 11%, while for the 800 RPM sample exhibiting secondary recrystallization it was about 22%. The grains were also the finest in the 1200 RPM sample (average grain diameter of 1.8 mu m). The processed structures exhibited a slight tendency to form the {10-10} preferential fiber texture (especially the 800 RPM sample). Tensile testing showed the FSP to have positive influence on the ultimate tensile stress, as well as ductility of all the samples; the mechanical properties improved with increasing FSP rate.Web of Science911art. no. 118

    Quick inference for log Gaussian Cox processes with non-stationary underlying random fields

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    For point patterns observed in natura, spatial heterogeneity is more the rule than the exception. In numerous applications, this can be mathematically handled by the flexible class of log Gaussian Cox processes (LGCPs); in brief, a LGCP is a Cox process driven by an underlying log Gaussian random field (log GRF). This allows the representation of point aggregation, point vacuum and intermediate situations, with more or less rapid transitions between these different states depending on the properties of GRF. Very often, the covariance function of the GRF is assumed to be stationary. In this article, we give two examples where the sizes (that is, the number of points) and the spatial extents of point clusters are allowed to vary in space. To tackle such features, we propose parametric and semiparametric models of non-stationary LGCPs where the non-stationarity is included in both the mean function and the covariance function of the GRF. Thus, in contrast to most other work on inhomogeneous LGCPs, second-order intensity-reweighted stationarity is not satisfied and the usual two step procedure for parameter estimation based on e.g. composite likelihood does not easily apply. Instead we propose a fast three step procedure based on composite likelihood. We apply our modelling and estimation framework to analyse datasets dealing with fish aggregation in a reservoir and with dispersal of biological particles

    Ground Pressure Changes Caused by MHT 8002HV Crawler Harvester Chassis

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    Ground contact pressures exerted by elements of the machine chassis on the ground in the forest are associated with the machine impact on the soil during its operation. In the case of a crawler system, determining the ground contact pressure appears simple, which is not entirely true. The aim of the study was to analyze the loads on the ground (forest soil) exerted by the MHT 8002HV crawler harvester chassis. The measurements were made in Forest School Enterprise in Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, Central Bohemia Region in the Czech Republic, on brown soil made of clay on stony formations, fresh mixed mountain forest (FMMF), with the use of a hydraulic scale when extending the harvester crane forward along and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the machine. The calculations were carried out with a simulated load of the crane on the tree in question, assuming that the impact on the ground of the crawler system is heterogeneous and that the point impact comes from the crawler support wheels. As it was shown, the average ground contact pressures under the crawler track of the analyzed harvester generally do not exceed 70 kPa. The crane extension with a simulated load, which would have caused the crawler track to act on the ground with an average pressure exceeding 70 kPa, was limited by machine stability. On the other hand, high ground contact pressures may occur under a more loaded section of the crawler track if the active length of the crawler track is shortened. As it was shown in the case of a weak track tension, the course of ground contact pressures exerted on the soil deviates from the assumed usually homogeneous impact over the entire length of the crawler

    Collocability and Contextualization in the Process of Acquiring Lexis

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    Significant changes have been taking place in the way lexis is acquired by language learners as a result of new technology for data processing and text-based research. Dictionaries are founded on authentic usages of words, their collocations, and the semantic domains they are associated with. However, large, complex units of meaning are often absent from dictionaries and terminological glossaries. The importance of collocability and contextualization is highlighted in the contribution. Although the study of lexis in collocations and particular contexts is not an overarching concept in language training, the authors believe it is beneficial not only for the needs of students´ linguistic training in general but also for the needs of experts working with the terminology of their specializations.

    On the FEM solution of a coupled contact—two-phase Stefan problem in thermo-elasticity. Coercive case

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    AbstractIn the paper a semi-implicit discretization in time of the weak formulation of the coupled signorini type contact—two-phase Stefan Problem is numerically analyzed. The problem leads to coupled elliptic variational inequalities, which are approximated by the FEM

    Manufacturing technology of the distance washer

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    Diplomová práce, vytvořená v rámci magisterského studia programu M2I-K Strojní inženýrství, oboru M-STM - Strojírenská technologie a průmyslový management, řeší problém přechodu na samovýrobu dříve nakupovaných vymezovacích podložek. Vymezovací podložky byly nakupovány ve čtyřech typech obdobného tvaru, každý typ pak v šesti různých tloušťkách. Z těchto dvaceti čtyř kombinací byl vybrán pro zpracování v Diplomové práci jeden reprezentativní typ, na kterém bude ověřena možnost samovýroby a hlavně ekonomické odůvodnění přechodu z nákupu na výrobu. Vymezovací podložka je plochá součást, jejíž polotovar je válcovaný plech. Druhy technologií uvažovaných pro výrobu podložek korespondují s technickým zázemím a vybaveností výrobní haly společnosti, pro kterou je celý projekt plánovaný. Tato společnost může zajistit svými vlastními technickými možnostmi dělení laserem, stříhání na děrovacím lise, stříhání na tabulových nůžkách a stříhání ve střižném nástroji. Pro ucelení přehledu možností budou také brány v potaz technologie kooperované, jimiž jsou řezání vodním paprskem, plasmou, kyslíko-acetylenovým plamenem a obrábění na CNC obráběcím centru. Veškeré varianty výroby budou ekonomicky hodnoceny a výstupem práce tedy bude určení ekonomicky nejpřijatelnější varianty výroby, případně zdůvodněný návrat k nákupu od stávajícího dodavatele.This master’s thesis has been elaborated as a part of master’s studies of engineering technology M2I-K, major in M-STM – Engineering technology and industrial management and deals with the problem of a transition to a self-production of previously purchased distance washers. Distance washers were purchased in six different types of similar shape, each type in four different thicknesses. One of these types was chosen as a representative for this master’s thesis. We shall explore the possibilities of self-production with the emphasis on economical validation of the transition. The distance washer is a flat part, the intermediate being sheet metal. Technologies considered for manufacturing the washers correspond to the technical facilities and equipment available at the production hall of the company this project is planned for. The company possesses technology for CO2 laser cutting, cutting by CNC punching machine and cutting in the punching tool. To provide a complex overview we shall also enquire into cooperated technologies such as water jet and plasma cutting, oxy-acetyleny cutting and CNC working. All options are evaluated with regard to the production expenses and lead to a most economically plausible method of manufacturing or, if need be, give reasons for going back to purchasing the part from the current supplier.